If you work from home, having a morning routine is important – your morning routine often sets the tone for your entire day. Morning routines should include the things you do to get ready for your day, like showering and getting dressed, and eating a good breakfast. They can also include other things like meditation and working out. For this post, I asked about people’s morning routines, what they consist of and why they’re important. Here’s what four entrepreneurs had to say:
Q. Do you have a morning routine? If so what is it?
A. Elinor Cohen (Business Coach & Marketing Strategist)
I wake up at 6 am every day and I meditate for 20 minutes.
I start out by saying “thank you” for all that I am grateful for that morning.
I set an intention for my mediatation – something I want to achieve that day or in the coming weeks.
After meditation, I journal about what I felt and anything that came up during my meditation.
After meditating, I go running for at least 40 minutes.
When I come back I take a tablespoon of Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and an 8oz. bottle of water.
Begin the day.
A. David Leonhardt (President, THGM Writers)
I start the day by stretching, and often doing some other quick exercise, such as push-ups. I find that this helps me move quickly from semi-comatose to semi-awake. It allows me to get moving faster, on to shaving and other personal care, getting the kids ready for school (or at least dragging them off their beds) and out the door.
A. Phil Turner (The 5 Currencies Guy)
I try to get up at 5, but it usually slips to 5.30 or later. I aim to be sitting at the computer by 6am. Unfortunately I am a bit OCDish, so I have to check emails etc before I start work. – Usually ready to work by 6.40.
I get a solid hour in, then breakfast some time between 8 and 9, I also try to fit a 3 mile walk in between 7 and 9 – exactly when depends on the weather. Then anther hour’s writing before the baby comes in to fall sleep watching me in his buggy (step-daughter’s child – 9 months).
the rest of the morning is spent ducking between emails and work
A. Don Sturgill (I write. You win.)
I’m the kind of guy who can quickly forget where he’s headed and why. I can go to the grocery store for eggs and come back with several sacks full of everything but eggs.
A few years back, I helped an SBA/SBDC business incubator team figure out how to get more clients. My job was to build a bridge between the community and the facility. My research showed that what people really needed was a way to get some hope back. Good ideas were abundant, but self-confidence and clear direction were lacking.
I searched through motivational courses galore, but none fit the need. Finally, I wrote s program called the DIIP (sounds like “the deep”). I began using the system myself and saw incredible change happen quickly. I realized that doing the DIIP in the morning helped me remember who I am and where I’m headed. So that’s been my daily practice ever since. And it’s still paying off!
Staying on track is invaluable. Here’s where to get a copy of the DIIP (free) for yourself: The DIIP.
Q. How does your morning routine help you be more productive throughout the day?
A. Elinor Cohen (Business Coach & Marketing Strategist)
When I start the day with gratitude, intention and focusing on my inner wisdom (meditation), I feel that my day is ‘in the flow’ and that I am exactly where I need to be and I accompllish exactly what I need to accomplish. I feel relaxe, full of motivation and I am able to hash out alot of work at my desk.
When I run, I focus on my body, I move it past its comfort zone and I detox by sweating – this helps me gain clarity and confidence about making decisions throughout the day.
A. David Leonhardt (President, THGM Writers)
I find that I am more energized when I start the day off physically. I also find that I am more likely to take physical breaks during the day when I follow this routine. In fact, on the days when I have the most difficulty waking up, I often stop after stretching. Those are the days I most need to be energized – that is somewhat ironic.
A. Phil Turner (The 5 Currencies Guy)
IF I can make myself get up at 4am, I get 3 hours’ work done before 9am, but this doesn’t happen very often. I have to balance the need to work with the need to sleep and exercise. I know my mornings are my creative time, so I try to limit non-creative work to the afternoons or evenings.
A. Don Sturgill (I write. You win.)
By staying focused on my most important tasks, I don’t spin my wheels chasing butterflys and rainbows.
It’s easy to get stuck on a sideroad. I don’t want to do that. Time is much too valuable.
By doing the DIIP every morning, I get started on the shortest path to my goals.
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